The positioning of GUITextures can be a bit of a nightmare. Think of the screen as being a unit square, so x and y vary from 0..1. The middle of the screen is then 0.5,0.5. The X and Y components of the transform are used to position the GUITexture. Then the X and Y components of the scale are used. I can't readily explain in words what affect they have. An X and Y scale of 1 seems to make the texture fill the screen. I'm 100% sure, if you have added a GUIComponent to your Camera, that its transform is positioning the GUITexture in some weird place. So, to avoid that, just do GameObject->Create Other->GUI Texture. You'll see this game object has a position of (0.5,0.5,0), and a scale of (0,0,1) and the texture appears in the centre of the screen.