This means that your game object needs an additional component.
`There is no 'GUIText' attached to the "Main Camera" game object, but a script is trying to access it.`
Now we know that the component that Unity can't find is a `GUIText`, and it's the `Main Camera` game object with the problem.
`You probably need to add a GUIText to the game object "Main Camera".`
Unity has provide you some excellent advice.
`Or your script needs to check if the component is attached before using it.
PauseMenu.Update () (at Assets/_Scripts/PauseMenu.js:14)`
Now we're told that it's line 14 of your `PauseMenu.js` script that caused the problem. You seem to have gained one extra line when you dumped your script onto Answers. Line 14 on Answers shows you using `guiText`. Your camera is missing the `GUI Text`component. Select the Main Camera in the hierarchy window, then use the `Component->Rendering->GUI Text` menu to add the missing component.