So, things you need to know:
1. You'll probably want to run your code on PC/Mac/Editor as well as on a touch device, so, you'll want to learn how to check what machine you are running on, and use the [appropriate][1] scripting APIs.
2. Touches are nothing like key presses. Touches can start and disappear when the user lifts their finger. Touches can be joined by other touches when the user uses more fingers. If the touch moves it can be hard to know in what direction the finger is moving, until the finger has moved a certain distance.
3. Touch screen sizes are all different (see [Screen Size][2] here). So, you'll not want to use pixels when you measure how fingers have moved, and instead, may want to use a percentage of the screen size.
4. See the examples on the [`Input.GetTouch()`][3] API page for a quick crash course.