Answer by Graham Dunnett
Unity is out of memory. Reboot the machine, then start Unity again. If it continues to crash, then you'll need to reduce the amount of memory your game needs. The easiest way to do this is resize your...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
A `Renderer` can have multiple materials. Iterate over it's `materials` array and set the shader you need on each material.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
See: The example on this page animates the colour of the object between green and red.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
That message means that the script that is supposed to implement that window can't be found. Do you know what the window is? If you close the tab what happens?
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The `Screen.resolutions` API: lets you see what resolutions the device supports. You can choose whatever res you want.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Usually you'd use string functions to split the input string at spaces. The first part of the string before the first space is a command, and then the substrings after spaces are arguments.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Well, you've asked for a 16:9 aspect ratio. If your screen isn't 16:9, then either it needs to have some blank bars at the left/right or top/bottom edges. That's what the `if()` is for. You're getting...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
If you open name.html in a text editor and search for .unity3d you'll find the name it's looking for.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
If your server can return gif files, then you will need to implement your own GIF reading code, and use the pixel processing members of the `Texture2D` class. (It'll be easier to just set up your...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
See: That will explain how to run Unity in batch mode and select the scripts that you want to be executed.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
There's no difference. `unity3d` is usually used for web player builds, but asset bundles can be called whatever you like. Unity doesn't care about the file extension.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Well, reducing far from 1000 to 100 may result in smaller numbers of objects being draw, so you might see a reduction in draw calls. However, the further an object is from the camera the smaller it is....
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The vector you pass to `CharacterController.Move()` is the direction you want the character to move in. Just rotate the game object so it's forward vector is aligned with the direction you compute. The...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Forget the client for a moment. If you make more than $100k in a year you'll need Pro, otherwise you can use free. Now think about the client. What version of Unity do they want you to use? If they are...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The camera is following the player at a certain distance. When the player shrinks reduce that distance.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Record the time the player spends in the game. Encrypt that and write to a player pref. When they next start the game, check the time you've stored and see if it violates your time limit.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Unity has no 3d modelling tools built in. You can place simple solids like cubes, sphere and capsules. If you need extensive 3d modelling, then look at commercially available modelling tools.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
I'd think I'd have two static arrays `Matched` and `UnMatched`. Add all the puzzle pieces to the `UnMatched` array when you start up. (Perhaps in `Start()` for each game object.) Then as the player...
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