Answer by Graham Dunnett
Specify a type for Anim, which needs to be [Animation][1]. [1]:
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
No, there is no PDF version. But on your computer with Unity installed you'll have the document on your machine.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
So, if you press the "n" key then line 5 is performed. Then, you'll check for "m", which isn't pressed. So, you'll execute line 12, because "m" wasn't pressed. If "n" was pressed, then line 12 is still...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Unity provide paid support to customers. This service is part of the Premium Support system. I note you do not want this service, so can only assume you will obtain support from other companies.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
Am 99% sure it's not possible to create scenes at runtime. If I was working on this, I think I'd have two completely blank scenes, and then load scene data as asset bundles. I'd use two scenes so I can...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
If the first time you and me meet I tell you to run at 1 metre per second, then you'll start running. If I never tell you anything different you'll keep running at 1m/s. So, think of our interaction as...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
I guess you just don't understand what `NullReferenceException` means. So, if a variable isn't set to an object, then you need to do a simple piece of code: void DoChop() { if (remainSlider) { if...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
So, I look in the html file, and come across the URL for the unity3d file: When I download that...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
The download can be just over 1GB. Once this is installed Unity will use around 5GB of storage.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
Either: a) Make sure that each of your team has a Pro version. It is not acceptable for a single Pro version to be used in a team. Everyone on a team needs the exact same version. or b) Provide your...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
I use TextWrangler instead of MonoDevelop. What I do is create empty scripts inside Unity. They'll then get created in the Assets folder on disk. So all you need do is load these in whatever app you...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
Each compile error will include a error value and line number. If you look at these messages (from top to bottom) and fix each one one at a time, you'll slowly get the problems solved. This website has...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
Yes, please go over to the Forum and read up on Win7 viruses that cause this problem.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham-Dunnett
If you have Unity installed on your home Windows machine, and your college have Unity licensed and installed on their Mac machines, then you can copy your *project* from one to the other. It is not...
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