Answer by Graham Dunnett
The 5.1 Unet solution is totally different from Networking in previous Unity version.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
You need to fix all the errors in your code. Each error that is reported will include an error code, so `CS1525` is an example. This is an error for c#. If you are using JS, then your errors may start...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
I am sure it can be done. But when I looked at your `WebGame.html`, and found the URL you're downloading, and then download that, I get an HTML page. My guess is that `` is doing...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Take the position in the last frame and the position in the current frame. Cast a ray from the old position to the new one. If that ray hits a wall, then you know the ball has travelled passed the wall.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
No. (Can I upgrade my car to a Lamborghini Gallardo without have to spend any money?)
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
I am amazed that your google searching didn't come up with an answer. Anyway: a) Divide you time by 60 and convert result into a float. b) Multiply the fractional part by 60 and that's seconds. c)...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
int r = Random.Range(0, 100); // start somewhere between zero and 99 for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++){ r += Random.Range(-3, 4); // add somewhere between +/- 3 Debug.Log(i + " : " + r); }
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Comparing a float in your `Update()` isn't going to appear in any profiler results.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Try using a `ScriptableObject`: A ScriptableObject doesn't get deleted when a scene changes.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
`Application.loadedLevel` tells you the currently loaded level. If you want to switch to the next level use `Application.LoadLevel()`. See the docs:...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Try:!/content/10 This is a 3.x Unity project... but I am pretty sure that the artwork will still work in 5.x. (The scripts will probably break.)
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Spending a bit of time reading the docs will probably get you home and dry: I know the docs are huge, but searching for lines in the search box...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Your script is defining a class called `Vector3`. This is clearly an error, since you don't want to define a class that replaces the Unity one. You're getting the error because **your** `Vector3`...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The example on the [documentation page][1] computes the normal on the hit point. It even draws it. Does it not work for you? [1]:...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
I'd recommend implement iOS specific code using the `Input.Touch()` API.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The documentation example for `WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload()` shows the code waiting for the download to finish before it does anything with the `WWW`. I assume trying to unload assets that haven't...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
`UnityEditor` is not allowed to be included in builds. It's only allowed to be used in editor extensions.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The error is line 53. Not sure why your compiler error has a different line - probably related to how the code is structured. Line 53 says "grab the `Birdmovement` component and assign it to the...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
I did the search for you:
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
[Application.loadedLevel][1] will tell you the current level. So you can check that. Or only add that script to the camera of levels that need to display the time. [1]:...
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