Answer by Graham Dunnett
As the error says, do you have access to the `/Library/Application Support/Unity/` folder? It's possible if you are a regular user and not an admin that this location is unavailable to you, in which...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
It's real time. So, 50 times per second means every 2ms. However, if your script code takes 15 hours to execute per frame, it's impossible to do a fixed update every 2ms. The assumption is that...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Have a variable `count` that starts at zero. Each time your player interacts with a cube, increment `count` and hide the cube. Once `count` reaches 6 you know that the cubes have been collected so can...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Reading docs is always a good plan: So, yes, you can read a colour from a texture. So, you could iterate over each pixel, and if it's not...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Put a volume around each area and do collision detection to decide which area the player is in. Modify the area's material to change it's colour:...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Use the `WWW` and `WWWForm` APIs to talk to your database server.
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Read the docs: You can capture the input into an `AudioClip`. As you'll know, you can [look at][1] the data that an `AudioClip` contains. A...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Try reading the docs:
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Read the docs:
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Please read the documentation: You'll learn that WP8 lacks some .NET APIs that you are familiar with. For example, the error message:...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Create a [window][1], iterate over your enum and add buttons to the window. When the user presses a button, look to see if a GO is selected, and [add][2] the script. I think the docs just about cover...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
The CPU took 0.51ms to loop from one frame to the next. The GPU took 1.1ms to render the scene. Yes, 41.1% of the CPU time was spent inside `Camera.Render()`. The graph shows how the performance is...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
#pragma strict public var count : int = 0; public var ticks : float = 0.0f; function Update() { ticks += Time.deltaTime; if (ticks > 0.5f) { count += 1; Debug.Log(count); ticks -= 0.5f; } }
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Unity can request data from you, which you'll provide within 30 days. If you are a legal entity Unity can come visit you to get this information. The idea is that in using Unity you agree to the terms....
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
[Documentation][1] gives you some example code. [1]:
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Either put the GUIText onto an empty game object and position it at (0.5, 0.5, 0.0) as per the GUIText documentation or create a Canvas on the empty game object, set it as Screen Space Overlay and add...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
[Edit the texture][1]. If you need to create the name/words, then render those into a RenderTexture and then copy that into the jersey texture. [1]:...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
Download the [standard assets][1] from asset store. [1]:!/content/32351
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
It doesn't matter how many votes are there. What matters is whether enough companies reach out to the Unity sales people and provide some idea on the number of license they would purchase. If the...
View ArticleAnswer by Graham Dunnett
You have asked Unity to fetch something using the WWW class. Where do you tell Unity that it's an audio clip? Isn't that what: is for?
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